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I’m Fallin for you cookie…

Seriously, I mean I love fall…like love it so much it makes me want to wear warm fuzzy socks, sit on the couch with the fireplace roaring, and drink a lot of coffee.

Well, to be fair the drinking coffee part comes no matter what the season, but the other things, they I only feel really like doing in the fall. I mean, its all the beauty that Minnesota can offer, somewhat cool temps, but yet we are not freezing our hind ends off…yet!

So you may ask what this has to do with cookies…well, frankly in my life there are so many things that have to do with cookies because, I love them! To me, they are the perfect little snack. The right size so I can feel like I am having a little something, but not so much that when I get up the next morning I dont feel like I have been in a sugar coma! Unless I eat 12, but than, I was going for the sugar coma, so I got what I needed 😉

Molasses cookies SCREAM fall to me, they are warm, homey, and sooo yummy.  They are the number one sellers in the store, for a reason! They arent snappy like their gingerbread counterpart, they are soft, chewy, and with just enough sugar to make you consider going back for another…and another.

So now is the time! Get your bag of this amazing cookie mix, make some for the kids, your spouse, or most importantly yourself! And enjoy! You will be so happy you did, after all, fall goes by quickly so embrace it with cookies!



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